Archive for the Of Mice and Men Category

Of Mice and Men: Chapter 3 Reading and Study Guide

Posted in Chapter 3 Study Guide on May 27, 2009 by Berker

1.  What does Slim say he would have done to the dog if he hadn’t given it to Lennie?  Killed them

2.  What does Slim say he finds funny?  That George and Lennie travel together.

3.  George says if he were really smart he would be doing what?  Own his own land and not work like a dog for someone else to profit

4.  What is the story behind why Lennie and George travel together?  George knew Lennie from the time they were kids and when Lennie’s Aunt Clara died, George promised he’d look after him.

5.  What can the reader infer about Lennie’s childhood and family life?  Aunt Clara took good care of him, but he struggled with his peer groups which made fun of him and played tricks on him.

6.  What did George do once that made him stop playing jokes on Lennie?  He told Lennie to jump into a lake, and Lennie couldn’t swim, but he did it anyway and almost drowned

7.  What card game does George play?  Solitaire

8.  What does George tell Slim happened in Weed?  Lennie tried to pet a girl’s dress because he thought it was soft; she screamed, so he grabbed her dress harder; when she got away, she claimed Lennie raped her.

9.  What sneaky thing does Lennie try to do?  Bring his puppy from Slim into the bunkhouse

10.  What game has the other guys been playing while George and Slim talk? Horseshoes

11.  What is Carlson’s problem and what does he tell Candy to do?  He doesn’t like Candy’s dog because he smells bad and is too old to do anyone any good; he tells Candy to shoot the dog.

12.  What reason’s does Carlson give for wanting Candy’s dog shot?  The dog smells bad; has no teeth; can barely walk; can’t do Candy any good; can’t do itself any good

13.  What does Whit show Slim?  A magazine with a letter published in it from a former ranch hand

14.  What does Carlson say he has?  a Luger—a pistol

15.  What does Slim tell Carlson to take with him when goes to shoot Candy’s dog?  Why? A shovel to bury the dog.

16.   Whit says that George and Lennie must have come to work.  What reason does he give?  Because they came on Friday and have to work all day Saturday before they get their day off on Sunday and the three free meals that come on their day off.

17.  What does Whit invite George to do “tomorrow” night?  Go to town to Susy’s brothel

18.  Why don’t the guys visit Clara’s house instead of Susy’s?  Because Susy’s is “cleaner” and cheaper; Susy tells good jokes and doesn’t mind if the guys just want to buy a shot and not have a “flop” with a prostitute

19.  Why does George say he will go and get a drink but that he isn’t going to pay for a flop?  Because he doesn’t want to spend his money on girls when he and Lennie are saving up for their ranch.

20.  What is Curley looking for?  His wife; Slim; a fight…

21.  What does Curley think Slim is doing?  Messing with his wife

22.  What is Slim really doing in the barn?  He’s tarring a mule’s hoof

23.  Who has been listening to and finally interrupts George and Lennie’s conversation about the ranch?  Candy

24.  For what reason would the people sell the ranch for only $600?  Because the old lady needs an operation and the couple is broke.

25.  How did Candy get $250?  As compensation for losing his right hand.

26.  What is George afraid will happen to them if others find out they are going to buy a ranch? They will try to get them all fired because no one wants to see some guys get their dreams.

27.  What does Candy tell George he wishes he had done?  Shot his own dog

28.  Why was Lennie smiling when Curly comes back in?  He’s thinking about the ranch and the rabbits

29.  About what does Curley think Lennie smiling about?  He thinks Lennie’s laughing at him because of Carlson saying he would kick Curley’s head in.

30.  What happens between Curley and Lennie?  They fight; Curley starts out by punching Lennie’s face, but then Lennie crushes every bone in Curley’s hand.

Of Mice and Men: Chapter 2 Study Guide

Posted in Chapter 2 Study Guide on May 27, 2009 by Berker

Chapter 2 Questions & Answers

1.  According to the old man, why was the boss mad at George and Lennie?  Because they weren’t there to go to work in the morning.

2.  What does George find in the box by his bed and what does he assume?  He finds flea power, and he assumes that the bed was occupied before by someone with fleas.

3. Describe the “stable buck.”  What physical attributes does he have?  What does the boss use him for?  The stable buck is a black man, hunched over with a crooked back. He’s smart (he reads books); and strong (he beat up Smitty in a boxing match on Christmas day); and yet he abused by the boss any time that he’s mad (because he’s black.)

4.  Describe the fight between the “stable buck” and Smitty.  Smitty started the fight, but the rest of the guys wouldn’t let Smitty use his legs because of Crooks’ bad back. Crooks beat him up and Smitty just made excuses why he didn’t win.

5.  What is Lennie’s last name? Small

6.  What does the boss suspect George of doing to Lennie?  What makes him think this?  The boss thinks that George is taking Lennie’s money (selling him out). He thinks this because George won’t let Lennie talk.

7.  What reason does George give for taking care of Lennie? He lies and says they’re cousins and that he promised his “old lady” that he would look after him.

8.  What is George’s last name?  Milton

9.  Who is Curley?  The boss’ son

10.  What does the swamper tell George about Curley’s left hand?  He keeps a glove full of Vaseline on it to keep it “soft” for his new wife.

11.  Describe Curley’s wife. She attractive, with nice close, painted nails, and red hair. However, she has “the eye,” which means she’s a flirt / tart and wants to sleep around on Curley

12.  Why does she come into the bunkhouse?  She says to look for Curley, but we’re led to believe she’s there to look over the new guys to see if there is anything worth “looking at”…

13.  Describe Slim.  What is his job on the ranch?  What are some of his character traits?  Slim is the “skinner” which means he drives the horse / mule teams in the field. He’s tall, skinny, but has a presence of authority around him. When he talks, everyone listens and obeys. His voice is gentle and welcoming, but it is the “last word” on the ranch.

14.  What did Slim do to four of his pups?  Why?  Drowned them…because his dog couldn’t have nursed that many.

15.  What does Lennie want George to ask Slim?  If he can have one of the pups.

IV. SHORT ESSAY: write a paragraph answer to the following questions.  Use quotes from the book to support your answer.

16.  Describe the atmosphere of the ranch and bunkhouse.  Be sure to include characteristics of different characters that were formally or informally introduced to us in this chapter.

While the bunkhouse is friendly enough, there is a sense of “keep to yourself” amongst every person. No one really forms long lasting relationships because they know that anyone of them could head out the next day for another job. There isn’t a lot of trust, except they all trust Slim; his gentle authority invites trust but doesn’t demand it.